I started my fitness journey because I was tired of making excuses. Every time I looked in the mirror, I saw an unhealthy version of myself, and I knew I deserved better. I decided it was time to prioritize my health and build the kind of strength and confidence that speaks for itself the moment I walk into a room.
For the longest time, I blamed my appearance on “genetics,” but I eventually realized that fitness isn’t limited by where you start or where you come from—it’s achievable for everyone. In 2020, I lost over 70 pounds, and looking back, I wish I’d had a coach like me to guide me through the process. It would have saved me so much time, frustration, and trial and error.
Now, I have the knowledge and experience I wish I had back then, and I’m here to share it with you. I’m so proud and grateful to be your coach, and I can’t wait to help you on your own journey!